Well 6004/17-1


Well information


Well number                                           6004/17-1

Location                                                  Offshore, South East of Faroe Islands

Longitude                                               04o 47´30.981´´ W

Latitude                                                   60o 29´46.838´´ N

Datum                                                     ETRF89

Spheroid                                                 WGS84 (CM3°W)

UTM Zone                                              30

UTM Easting (X)                                    401,559.0 m

UTM Northing (Y)                                  6,708,029.9 m

Well blok no.                                          6004/17

Reference point                                    KB 24.4 m above MSL

Wather depth                                         1048 m below MSL

TD log                                                      3844 m

TD drill                                                     3847 m below KB

The well is                                              Vertical

Spud date                                               15 June 2003

Completed                                              9 August 2003

Spud classification                               Exploration

Status (completion)                               Plugged and Abandoned

License                                                   L002

Operator                                                  ENI UK Limited

Rig                                                           Belford Dolphin